24 September 2011

The Bell on the Cat (Lonceng untuk Kucing)

The Bell on the Cat
Several centuries ago, the mice held a meeting to consider their sad situation.

All the speakers agreed on the fact that it was all the fault of the cats, and they debated ways in which they could avoid being hunted by them.

Finally, a solution was proposed and everyone approved. It was decided to attach a bell to every cat so that the mice would hear them coming.

This law is still in force, but unfortunately no mouse has come forward to volunteer to put the bells on the cats.

Lonceng untuk Kucing
Beberapa abad lalu, para tikus mengadakan pertemuan untuk mempertimbangkan situasi mereka yang menyedihkan.

Semua pembicara sepakat pada kenyataan bahwa semua itu kesalahan dari kucing, dan mereka berdebat cara-cara di mana mereka dapat menghindari diburu oleh kucing-kucing tersebut.

Akhirnya, solusi yang diusulkan dan disetujui semua orang. Diputuskan untuk memakaikan lonceng untuk setiap kucing sehingga tikus bisa mendengar mereka datang.

Hukum ini masih berlaku, tapi sayangnya tidak ada tikus yang datang ke depan untuk menjadi relawan untuk memakaikan lonceng pada kucing-kucing tersebut.
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Direct and Indirect Object

If there are two objects in one sentence, so one is direct object and one is indirect object.

Direct object is the object we put straightly after the predicate/verb and needs preposition to or for if followed by indirect object, but if it’s preceded by indirect object usually we do not need preposition to or for.

For example:

- I gave a present for her.

Note: a present is direct object and her is indirect object.

- I gave her a present.

Note: But if we put indirect object after the predicate/verb, we do not need preposition (for)

More examples:

- She bought a new dress for her mother.
- She bought her mother a new dress.

- He makes a cup of coffee for you.
- He makes you a cup of coffee.

That’s direct and indirect object. (dee-english)
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Pronoun is word for replacing Noun (People, Thing, Animal, and Abstract Thing)
There are Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, and others. But here we’re going to explain you about Personal Pronoun and Possessive Pronoun.

OK, now let’s start from Personal Pronoun. Personal Pronoun can be as Subject or Object.

Subject      Object
They              Them
We                 Us
You                You
I                    Me
She                Her
He                 Him
It                   It

Subject is doer of the activity and Object is person or thing that is subjected by the doer.

Let’s make it clear by providing some sentences.
- Dee is my friend. He is a friendly man
- I gave him a present in his birthday.

- He in the first sentence is Pronoun of Dee as subject. And
- Him in the second one is pronoun as object.

And Possessive Pronoun. Possessive Pronoun is used to show possession and replace the thing at once. So when we show possession using Possessive Pronoun we no need mention the name of the Possession.

Subject     Possessive Pronoun
They             Theirs
We                Ours
You               Yours
I                   Mine
She               Hers
He                His
It                  -

Example in sentences:
- This notebook is mine.
- I borrowed her English book. Hers is blue.

- Mine is possessive pronoun replacing this notebook.
- Hers is also possessive pronoun replacing her English book.
- After Mine and Hers not followed by name of the possession.
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The Hen with the Silver Eggs (Seekor Ayam Betina dengan Telur Perak)

The Hen with the Silver Eggs

One day, in an Arabian city, a woman went to market and bought a beautiful hen.

You can imagine her surprise later, when the hen laid a silver egg. If the hen could only be persuaded to lay more than one egg each day, the woman was sure she would never have to work again.

So the woman decided that the hen must eat more, so that it could lay more eggs.

But the only result was that the hen died of indigestion, and did not lay any more eggs at all.

Seekor Ayam Betina dengan Telur Perak
Suatu hari, di sebuah kota Arab, seorang wanita pergi ke pasar dan membeli seekor ayam yang cantik.

Anda dapat membayangkan keterkejutannya setealah itu, ketika ayam bertelur sebuah telur perak. Jika ayam bisa dibujuk untuk menelurkan lebih dari satu telur setiap hari, perempuan itu yakin dia tidak akan pernah harus bekerja lagi.

Jadi wanita itu memutuskan bahwa ayam itu harus makan lebih banyak, sehingga bisa bertelur lagi.

Tetapi hasilnya hanyalah ayam tersebut mati karena gangguan pencernaan, dan tidak bertelur lagi sama sekali.
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Before we provide you more tenses, now we provide you Interjection first.

Interjection is used to show feeling or emotion which comes in mind in sudden.

In some Grammar books say Interjection is out of part of speech. But Interjection and Exclamatory sentences are important to know.

Basically, Interjection is a sound exciting we put it in a sentence to show people’s feeling or emotion.

Here are some Interjections to know:

1. To show happiness:
- Hurrah! (Hore!)
- Hurray! (Hore!)
- Huzza! (Bagus!)

2. To show sadness or sorrow:
- Alas! (Aduh!)
- Alack! (Aduh!)
- Oh!
- Ah!

3. To show surprise:
- Aha!
- What!

4. To show agreement:
- Bravo! (Bagus! Bagus sekali!)

5. To show upset or worry:
- Heigh-ho! (Ah! Aduh!)

6. To show warning or alert:
- Hark! Hear someone coming! (Dengar! Ada orang dating!)
- Hist! (Diamlah! Dengarlah!)
- Hush! I can’t hear! (Diamlah! Saya tidak bisa mendengar!)
- Lo! (Lihat! Lihatlah!)

7. To show impatience:
- Pshaw! (Cih! Bah!)

8. To show greeting:
- Hallo! (Halo!)
- Hello! (Halo)
- Hi! (Hi!)

9. To show ridicule:
- Bosh! (Omong kosong!)
- Pish! (Cih!)
- Pooh! Pshaw! (Cih! Cih!)

10. To show anger:
- Dammit! (Persetan! Sialan!)
- Dauce! (Kurang ajar!)

11. To show doubt:
- Hem! (Hem!)
- Hum! (Hem!)
- Humph! (Hem!)
A little sharing about interjection by dee-english
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Present Tense

Present Tense or people usually call it Simple Present Tense. Why in schools the teachers call it Simple Present Tense, because the sentence they use for explaining this tense in simple sentence. So, its name is just Present Tense. In English there are simple, compound, and complex sentences.

OK, back to the main topic discussing about Present Tense. There are two main functions or uses in Present Tense, they are Habitual Action and General truth.

Habitual Action:
Habitual Action or routine in other word, it shows activity people do every day as habit or routine. For showing it in sentence use: Adverb of Frequency such as Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Every day and so on.

I always have breakfast at 7 in the morning.
They usually go to work by bus.
She waters the flowers every day.

General truth:
General truth shows something happens in general or only at that moment happens. It also shows natural events.

The sun rises from the east
Fire is hot

Now, let’s start to understand the structure or pattern of present tense.

There two kinds of sentences, they are Verbal and Nominal. Each of them consists of Positive, Negative, and Interrogative sentences.

We start from Verbal. Verbal sentence itself is sentence which uses verb as the predicate of the sentence and doesn’t need tobe/be.

Here are the patterns: 

( + ) Positive:
Subject + Verb1 (s/es) + Object

They work at the Insurance Company.
We work at the Insurance Company.
You work at the Insurance Company.
I work at the Insurance Company.
She works at the Insurance Company.
He works at the Insurance Company.
It works at the Insurance Company.

- Add s/es to the verb1 if the subjects are she, he, it (The third person singular)
- The add of s/es to the verb doesn’t change the meaning in Indonesia. So the meaning the same like verb1.
- Verb for the Subjects They, We, You, and I do not need s/es.

The rules of the add of s/es to the verb in present tense if the subject in the third person singular form:

1. If the verbs ending in s, sh, ch, x, and o add es
Kiss – Kisses
Brush – Brushes
Watch – Watches
Fix – Fixes
Go – Goes

2. If the verbs ending in y, there are two rules.
a. Verbs ending in y but preceded by consonant, so change y becomes i then add es.
Study – Studies
Cry – Cries
Try – Tries

b. Verbs ending in y but preceded by vowel, so straightly add s.
Play – Plays
Stay – Stays
Say – Says

3. Besides those two rules above all verbs add s.
Write – Writes
Work – Works
Type – Types
See – Sees
Open – Opens

( - ) Negative:
Subject + do not/does not + Verb1 + Object

They do not work at the Insurance Company.
We do not work at the Insurance Company.
You do not work at the Insurance Company.
I do not work at the Insurance Company.
She does not work at the Insurance Company.
He does not work at the Insurance Company.
It does not work at the Insurance Company.

- For changing the positive sentence into negative form just add do not or does not after the subjects.
- If the subjects They, We, You, and I. Add do not after the subjects, but
- If the subjects She, He, and It. Add does not after the subjects.
- And the Verb after do not/does not must be Verb1 without s/es.

( ? ) Interrogative:
Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + Object?

Do they work at the Insurance Company?
Do we work at the Insurance Company?
Do you work at the Insurance Company?
Do i work at the Insurance Company?
Does she work at the Insurance Company?
Does he work at the Insurance Company?
Does it work at the Insurance Company?

- For Verbal form add Do/Does before the Subjects and Do/Does means “Apakah” in Indonesia.
- Add Do before the subjects They, We, You, and I.
- Add Does before the subjects She, He, and It.
- The verb after the subjects must be Verb1.

Nominal Sentence is formed by adding tobe/be (is, are, am) after the subject if they are followed by Adjective, Noun, Adverb (Object of Complement) and no Verb after the subjects.

Is for She, He, It
Are for They, We, You
Am for I

( + ) Positive
Subject + be1 (is, are, am) + Object of Complement.

They are pilots.
We are pilots.
You are a pilot.
She is a pilot.
He is a pilot.
It is a pilot.
I am a pilot.

- Because the subjects are followed by Pilot (Noun), so we must add be1 (is, are, am) and if followed by Adjective and adverb as well.
- Be1 (is, are, am) sometimes meaningless if they are followed by adjective, but if they are followed by noun be1 mean “adalah” and if followed by adverb of place, they mean “ada” in Indonesian.

( - ) Negative
Subject + be1 (is, are, am) + not + Object of Complement.

They are not pilots.
We are not pilots.
You are not a pilot.
She is not a pilot.
He is not a pilot.
It is not a pilot.
I am not a pilot.

- For Nominal just add not after be1, if they are changed into negative sentence.

( ? ) Interrogative
Be1 (is, are, am) + Subject + Object of Complement?

Are they pilots?
Are we pilots?
Are you a pilot?
Is she a pilot?
Is he a pilot?
Is it a pilot?
Am I a pilot?

- If we change into interrogative just move be1 in front of the subjects and they mean “Apakah” and the answer can be Yes/No.

OK, That’s all the explanation of Present tense in general. May it’s useful. Thank you.
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23 September 2011

The Fox with the Stunded Tail (Seekor Rubah Yang Tidak Punya Ekor)

The Fox with the Stunded Tail

A fox lost her tail in a trap and was ashamed of her loss. It seemed extremely unfair to her that she alone should lack a tail.

She seriously thought the world would be a much improved place if all the other foxes too were to have no tails. And so she tried to convince them all to cut off their tails.

“The tail,” she said, “is just an extra weight. And you could hardly call it elegant! Or pretty!”

“If that is so,” replied her friend, “then why are you so unhappy without one?”

Seekor Rubah Yang Tidak Punya Ekor

Seekor rubah kehilangan ekornya dalam perangkap dan malu atas kehilangannya. Rasanya sangat tidak adil baginya bahwa ia sendiri harus kehilangan ekor.

Dia berpikir dengan serius dunia akan menjadi tempat yang sangat menyenangkan jika semua rubah yang lain juga tidak memiliki ekor. Sehingga dia berusaha meyakinkan mereka semua untuk memotong ekor mereka.

"Ekor," katanya, "ekor hanyalah berat badan ekstra. Dan kalian tidak bisa menyebutnya elegan! Atau cantik!"

"Jika memang demikian," jawab temannya, "lalu mengapa kau begitu tidak bahagia tanpa ekor?"
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Simply, Tense means form of verb shows the time of the activity happens.

We know sixteen tenses in English. They are:
2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Present Perfect Continuous tense
6. Past Continuous Tense
7. Past Perfect Tense
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
10. Future Continuous Tense
11. Future Perfect tense
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
13. Past Future tense
14. Past Future Continuous Tense
15. Past Future Perfect tense
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

But, only twelve tenses usually learned at school or explained in common Grammar books. Here, we are going to try to give you all of them one by one.

We must know the changing of verbs in learning tenses, because each verb has own time to show the activity.

And remember, we have learned verb before. Just click here for knowing Verb. Next posting we’ll give you the first tense-Present tense.
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22 September 2011

The Fox and the Grapes (Rubah dan Buah Anggur)

The Fox and the Grapes

A fox one day saw a bunch of ripe grapes hanging from vines along the branches. The fruit looked so ripe grapes, looks very delicious and contains full, and the mouth of the Fox wide opened and drooling while staring at the hanging grapes.

The grapes were hung on the
high branches, and the Fox had to jump to reach them. The first time he jumped to pick the fruit, the fox could not reach them because the fruit was hanging high enough. Then the Fox took square stance and ran while jumping, but this time the fox still could not reach the grapes. The fox tried to jump on, but all efforts done in vain.

Now he sat down and looked at the grapes curiously.

"What a fool I am," he said. "Here I keep trying to pick the grapes that seem not good to eat."

And then the fox walked away feeling very upset.
Many people who pretend to ignore and minimize the sense of something they can not accomplish.

Rubah dan Buah Anggur

Seekor rubah suatu hari melihat sekumpulan buah anggur yang ranum bergantungan dari pohon anggur di sepanjang cabangnya. Buah anggur itu terlihat begitu ranum, kelihatan sangat lezat dan berisi penuh, dan mulut sang Rubah menjadi terbuka serta meneteskan air liur saat menatap buah anggur yang bergantungan.

Buah anggur itu tergantung pada dahan yang cukup tinggi, dan sang Rubah harus melompat untuk mencapainya. Saat pertama kali melompat untuk mengambil buah tersebut, sang Rubah tidak dapat mencapainya karena buah itu tergantung cukup tinggi. Kemudian sang Rubah mengambil ancang-ancang dan berlari sambil melompat, tetapi kali ini sang Rubah masih juga tidak dapat mencapai buah anggur tersebut. Sang Rubah mencoba untuk melompat terus, tetapi semua usaha yang dilakukannya sia-sia belaka.

Sekarang dia lalu duduk dan memandang buah anggur itu dengan rasa penasaran.

"Betapa bodohnya saya," katanya. "Disini saya terus mencoba untuk mengambil buah anggur yang kelihatannya tidak enak untuk dimakan."
Lalu kemudian sang Rubah berjalan pergi dengan perasaan yang sangat kesal.

Banyak orang yang berpura-pura mengacuhkan dan memperkecil arti sesuatu yang tidak dapat mereka capai.
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Ants and Grasshopper (Semut dan Belalang)

Ants and Grasshopper

During the day in late autumn, a family of ants which had worked hard all summer to gather food, to dry the grains of wheat that they had collected during the summer. Then there was a grasshopper which was starving, with a violin in his hand came and implored the family of ants so that provided little food to eat for himself.

"What!" shouted the Ants in surprise, "Have you been collecting and preparing food for the coming winter? So what were you doing all summer?"

"I do not have time to gather food," whined the Grasshopper; "I am very busy making songs, and before I realized, the summer has passed."

The Ants then shrugged his shoulders because they felt upset.

"Making a song you said?" said the Ant, "Okay, now you have completed the song in the summer, it is time you dance!" The ants then turned around and continued their work regardless of the grasshopper again.

There is a time for work and there is time to play.

Semut dan Belalang

Pada siang hari di akhir musim gugur, satu keluarga semut yang telah bekerja keras sepanjang musim panas untuk mengumpulkan makanan, mengeringkan butiran-butiran gandum yang telah mereka kumpulkan selama musim panas. Saat itu seekor belalang yang kelaparan, dengan sebuah biola di tangannya datang dan memohon dengan sangat agar keluarga semut itu memberikan sedikit makan untuk dirinya.

"Apa!" teriak sang Semut dengan terkejut, "tidakkah kamu telah mengumpulkan dan menyiapkan makanan untuk musim dingin yang akan datang ini? Selama ini apa saja yang kamu lakukan sepanjang musim panas?"

"Saya tidak mempunyai waktu untuk mengumpulkan makanan," keluh sang Belalang; "Saya sangat sibuk membuat lagu, dan sebelum saya sadari, musim panas pun telah berlalu."

Semut tersebut kemudian mengangkat bahunya karena merasa gusar.

"Membuat lagu katamu ya?" kata sang Semut, "Baiklah, sekarang setelah lagu tersebut telah kamu selesaikan pada musim panas, sekarang saatnya kamu menari!" Kemudian semut-semut tersebut membalikkan badan dan melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka tanpa memperdulikan sang Belalang lagi.

Ada saatnya untuk bekerja dan ada saatnya untuk bermain.
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19 September 2011


Now, let’s talk about adverbs. Adverbs in Indonesia is Kata Keterangan. There are some kinds of adverbs.
1. Adverb of Manner: Fast, Happily, Quickly, Well
2. Adverb of Place: Here, There, Near, Down
3. Adverb of Time: Now, Soon, Still, Today
4. Adverb of Frequency: Always, Usually, Often, Every day
5. Adverb of Degree: Very, Enough, Rather, Too
6. Adverb of Sentence: Certainly, Definitely, Surely, Obviously

The use of Adverbs:
1. Adverb of Manner
Adverb of Manner is used to show manner or the way someone does the activity or something happens.
Here we’ll give you some examples in sentences to make them clear.
- He walks quickly
- The train runs fast
- She receives that present happily
- They do their job well
To make adverb of manner is by adding ly to the adjective, but some Adverbs of Manner have the same forms like Adjectives, for example: Fast, Hard, Well.

2. Adverb of Place
Adverb of Place is used to show the place, position, or location.
- My family and I have holiday in Japan
- They live near here

3. Adverb of Time
Adverb of Time is used to show the time. Can be in day, time, date, month, year
- He comes today
- They leave soon

4. Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of Frequency is used to show how many times the activity done. There are two parts of Adverbs of Frequency.
Part 1.
- Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Never
Note: We put these Adverbs of Frequency after the subject if the sentence is positive and interrogative. But if the sentence is in Nominal form, we put them after tobe. And for negative form we put after not, For instance:
- We usually do our job together soon.
- We are usually on time to come to work.
- We do not usually do our job together soon.
- We are not usually on time to come to work.
- Do they usually come late to work?
- Are they usually on time to come to work?

Part 2.
- Every day, Every time, Every week, Once a day, Twice a day, Three times a day
Note: We put these adverbs of frequency in the end of the sentence. For instance:
- We have breakfast every morning.
- We are in our English class twice a week.
- We do not have breakfast every morning.
- Do they have breakfast every morning?

5. Adverb of Degree
Adverb of Degree is used to show the degree. For instance:
- The shoes are too expensive
- The water is very hot

6. Adverb of Sentence
Adverb of Sentence modifies the whole sentence/clause and normally express the speaker’s opinion.
- He is obviously intelligent
- They certainly work hard

For more other lessons we give later.
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Revenge on a Taxi Driver (Balas dendam pada supir taxi)

Revenge on a Taxi Driver

Two years later the man comes back and goes to the same casino. This time he wins money.

As he exits the casino, he sees a long line of Taxi drivers.. and at the end is his enemy from two years ago.

Seeing this, the man decides to get his revenge. He goes up to the first Taxi and says: "hey will you give me a blowjob?"

the taxi driver says: "no you freak, get out of my car!"

The man then goes on to the next car and says: "hey will you give me a blowjob?"

the taxi driver says: "no you maniac, get out of my car!"

The man continues to do this all down the line until he reaches the last taxi, and sees his enemy.

The man asks: "how much for a ride to the airport?"

Not reconising him the driver replies: "$5" "Okay." says the man and he gets in.

Then as he passes the line of other taxis, he sticks his hands out the window and gives them all a big thumbs up.

Balas dendam pada supir taxi

Dua tahun kemudian orang itu datang kembali dan pergi ke kasino yang sama. Kali ini dia menang.

Saat ia keluar kasino, dia melihat antrian panjang supir taksi .. dan pada akhirnya dia melihat musuh dua tahun lalu.

Melihat kesempatan ini, laki-laki itu memutuskan untuk membalas dendamnya. Dia naik ke Taksi pertama dan mengatakan: "hei maukah kamu memberiku blowjob?"

pengemudi taksi mengatakan: "tidak kamu orang sinting, keluar dari mobil saya!"

Pria itu kemudian pergi ke mobil berikutnya dan berkata: "hei maukah kau memberiku blowjob?"

pengemudi taksi mengatakan: "tidak kamu maniak, keluar dari mobil saya!"

Pria itu terus melakukan hal tersebut sepanjang antrian sampai ia mencapai taksi terakhir, dan melihat musuhnya.

Dia bertanya: "berapa ongkos ke bandara?"

Tidak mengenalinya si sopir menjawab: "5 dolar" "Oke." kata pria tadi dan ia masuk

Kemudian ketika ia melewati barisan taksi lain, ia mengeluarkan tangannya ke luar jendela dan mengacungkan jempol pada semua para sopir taksi tadi.

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The Smart Blonde (Si Pirang Yang Pintar)

The Smart Blonde

A blonde woman boards an airplane. She is extremely exhausted and just wants to take a nap. She finally finds her seat and sits down next to a very curious young man.

He wants to test the whole dub blonde thing and possibly make some money out of it. "Hey, wanna play a game?" he asks her. "No thank you, i just want to take a nap."

"Please, it's really easy, all you have to do is answer the questions that i ask you. If you don't know the answer, then you give me five dollars, and if I don't know the answer to your question, then Ill give you five dollars."

"I really don't want to do this. I just want to take a nap."

"Oh but PLEASE pretty please. Okay, how about if I don't know the answer to your question, I'll give you five hundred dollars." The blonde woman became interested and decided to play the game.

"Okay. How many moons does Jupiter have?" the young man asked. The woman reached into her purse and took out a five dollar bill. "What goes up the mountain with three legs and comes back down with four?".

The young man, determined not to lose, gets out his laptop and searches all over the internet for an answered. Flustered and confused, the young man hand the blonde five hundred dollars.

After a few hours, the young man was itching to know the answer to the question."What was the answer to the riddle?" the blonde woman reached into her purse and handed the young man a five dollar bill.

Si Pirang Yang Pintar

Seorang wanita pirang naik pesawat terbang. Dia sangat kelelahan dan yang dia inginkan hanya tidur siang. Dia akhirnya menemukan kursinya dan duduk di samping seorang pria muda yang sangat tertarik.

Dia ingin menguji  julukan si pirang dan mungkin bisa menghasilkan uangnya. "Hei, mau main game?" pria itu bertanya padanya. "Tidak, terima kasih, saya hanya ingin tidur siang."

"Ayo dong, ini sangat mudah loh, yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang saya tanyakan. Jika Anda tidak tahu jawabannya,. Maka Anda beri saya lima dolar, dan jika aku tidak tahu jawaban pertanyaan Anda, maka saya akan memberimu lima dolar. "

"Saya benar-benar tidak ingin melakukannya saya hanya ingin tidur siang.."

"Oh tapi PLEASE cantik mau ya. Oke, bagaimana jika saya tidak tahu jawaban pertanyaan Anda, saya akan memberikan lima ratus dolar." Si pirang menjadi tertarik dan memutuskan untuk bermain game tadi.

"Oke. Berapa banyak bulan yang Jupiter miliki?" Si pria muda bertanya. Si wanita merogoh tasnya dan mengeluarkan uang lima dolar. "Apa yang naik gunung dengan tiga kaki dan kembali turun dengan empat kaki?".

Anak muda tadi, bertekad untuk tidak kalah, dia keluarkan laptop dan mencari jawaban di internet. Bingung dan puyeng, Si pemuda memberikan Si pirang lima ratus dolar.

Setelah beberapa jam, pria muda itu penasaran untuk mengetahui jawaban pertanyaan tadi "Apa jawaban teka-teki tadi?" Si pirang merogoh tasnya dan menyerahkan uang lima dolar ke pemuda tadi.

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