03 September 2011

Noun (Part 3)

This discussion may be the last one discussing on Noun. And today's discussion we learn about Countable and Uncountable Noun.

A. Countable Noun is noun we can count in number. Countable noun consists of two kinds. They are Singular Noun and Plural Noun. 

Singular Noun the number of it not more than one and Plural Noun the number of it must be more than one, can be two, three, and so on.

Singular Noun usually preceded by an article a and an, article a for Singular Noun in consonant sound and an for vowel sound. For example:
- a river, a chair, a table, a well, a girl, a horse, a University, etc
- an apple, an eagle, an engineer, an hour, an umbrella, etc

Plural Noun, there are two kinds Regular Plural Noun and Irregular Plural Noun.

Regular Plural Noun usually with additional of "s/es" in the end of the noun. There are some rules to change the singular nouns to plural ones. Here are the rules:

1. If the nouns ending in "s, sh, ch, x, and o" add "es" for instance:
Glass - Glasses : Gelas
Brush - Brushes : Sikat
Watch - Watches : Jam Tangan
Box - Boxes: Kotak/Kardus
Mango - Mangoes: Buah Mangga

2. If the nouns ending in "y"
a. Ending in "y" preceded by consonant letter. So, change "y" becomes "i" then add "es" for instance:
Baby - Babies : Bayi
Lady - Ladies : Wanita
City - Cities : Kota

b. Ending in "y" preceded by vowel letter. So, straightly add "s" for instance:
Boy - Boys : Anak laki-laki
Key - Keys : Kunci
Day - Days : Hari

3. Besides two rules above all nouns use "s" for plural for instance:
Chair - Chairs : Kursi
Table - Tables : Meja
House - Houses : Rumah
Book - Books : Buku

Irregular Plural Noun . Here are some examples for them, for instance:
Man - Men : Pria
Woman - Women : Wanita
Tooth - Teeth : Gigi
Mouse - Mice : Tikus
Goose - Geese : Angsa
Child - Children : Anak-anak

B. Uncountable Noun is noun which we can't count in number. It usually uses dose, weight, meter, size etc. for instance:
Butter, Coffee, Tea, Flour, Meat, Food, Milk, Rice, Water, Air, Ink, Sugar, Honey, Bread, Oil, Money etc

This is the end of the lesson on Noun. we hope it will be useful for the readers. Thanks for visiting my blog and if there's a mistake in writing or structure, we are sorry because nobody's perfect. Ok. See yaa... :)
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Noun (Part 2)

Hello we come again with "Noun" as our discussion. Previously we have learned Noun (Part 1) and now we will give you explanation "Noun Part 2". For further explanation let's check the following one.

As we explained previously Noun consists of two forms:
1. Concrete Noun
2. Abstract Noun

A. Concrete Noun 
Concrete Noun consists of Proper Noun, Common Noun, Material Noun, and Collective Noun.

1. Proper Noun (Kata Benda Nama Diri) 
Noun which is preceded by capital letter such as names of person, city, country, school, factory, and names of places.
Example: Mulyono; Cirebon; Indonesia; University of Indonesia, etc

2. Common Noun (Kata Benda Umum)
Example: Book; Teacher; Plane; Mountain, etc

3. Material Noun (Kata Benda Bahan Baku)
Example: Gold, Paint,Silver, Oil, etc

4. Collective Noun (Kata Benda Kolektif)
Noun which has plural meaning
Example: Family, Crew, Team, Division; Parliament; Committee; Class; Fleet, etc

B. Abstract Noun
We can form abstract noun from Verbs, Adjectives, and other words

1. The way to change Verbs become Abstract Noun:
a. Add "ment" to the Verbs:
Advertise: Mengiklankan  Advertisement: Iklan
Agree: Menyetujui  Agreement: Persetujuan
Entertain: Menghibur  Entertainment: Hiburan

b. Add "ion" to the Verbs:
Connect: Menghubungkan  Connection: Hubungan
Collect: Mengumpulkan  Collection: Kumpulan/Koleksi
Act: Berbuat  Action: Perbuatan/Aksi
c. Add "ation", "cation", "ition" to the Verbs:
Admire: mengagumi  Admiration: Kekaguman
Qualify: Memenuhi syarat  Qualification: Pemenuhan syarat
Compete: Bersaing  Competition: Persaingan

d. Add "ance" or "ence" to the Verbs:
Enter: Memasuki  Entrance: Jalan Masuk
Appear: Menampakkan Diri  Appearance: Penampakan Diri/Rupa
Differ: Membedakan  Difference: Perbedaan

e. Add "t" to the Verbs:
Complain: Mengeluh  Complaint: Keluhan
Contain: Berisi  Content: Isi

f. Add "y" to the Verbs:
Discover: Menemukan  Discovery: Penemuan
Deliver: Mengirimkan  Delivery: Pengiriman

2. The way to change Adjectives become Abstract Noun:
Add "ness" to the Adjectives
Good: Baik  Goodness: Kebaikan
Happy: Bahagia  Happiness: Kebahagiaan
Sad: Sedih  Sadness: Kesedihan
Polite: Sopan  Politeness: Kesopanan

and some Abstract Nouns from Adjectives:
Patient: Sabar  Patience: Kesabaran
Hot: Panas  Heat: Panasnya
Poor: Miskin  Poverty: Kemiskinan
Wise: Bijak  Wisdom: Kebijaksanaan

3. Abstract Nouns from Common Nouns:
Agent: Agen  Agency: Keagenan
Child: Anak  Childhood: Masa Kanak-kanak
Friend: Sahabat  Friendship: Persahabatan

That's for now, we continue the lesson about Noun later. Hopefully it will be useful although just a little. Thank you
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Noun (Part 1)

Here's the first lesson to learn. Today we're going to explain about "NOUN". What's noun? Generally noun is a word that gives a name to thing (fruit), animal, and people. So names of thing (fruit), animal, and people are nouns.

Noun has two forms such as Concrete Noun and Abstract Noun
1. Concrete Noun
Something we can see or touch for example: Mulyono, House, Cat, Computer, etc

2. Abstract Noun
Something we can't see or touch  for example: Happiness, Life, Friendship, Relationship, etc

Noun can function as:
1. The subject of a verb: Mulyono arrives
2. The complement of the verb be, become, seem: Mulyono is an author, Mulyono becomes an author
3. The object of a verb: I meet Muyono
4. The object of a preposition: I talk to Mulyono
5. A noun can also be in the possessive case: Mulyono's notebook

That's for now, we continue the lesson about Noun later. Hopefully it will be useful although just a little. Thank you

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02 September 2011

Two Blind Pilots (Dua Pilot yang Buta)

Two Blind Pilots

Two blind pilots both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane.

Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit, the door closes, and the engines start up.

The passengers begin glancing nervously around, searching for some sign that this is just a little practical joke. None is forthcoming.

The plane moves faster and faster down the runway and the people sitting in the window seats realize they're headed straight for the water at the edge of the airport.

As it begins to look as though the plane will crush in to the water, panicked screams fill the cabin. At that moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air.

The passengers relax and laugh a little sheepishly, and soon all retreat into their magazines, secure in the knowledge that the plane is in good hands.

In the cockpit, one of the blind pilots turns to the other and says,"you know, Bob, one of these days, they're gonna scream too late and we're all gonna die." 

Dua Pilot yang Buta

Dua pilot buta keduanya mengenakan kacamata hitam, satu dengn menggunakan anjing pemandu, dan yang satunya dengan cara menekan di sepanjang lorong dengan tongkat.

Tawa tegang menyebar dalam kabin, tapi mereka memasuki kokpit, menutup pintu, dan menyalakan mesin.

Para penumpang mulai saling melirik dengan perasaan gugup, mencari tanda bahwa ini hanyalah sebuah lelucon. Tidak ada satu tanda pun bahwa itu sebuah lelucon.

Pesawat itu bergerak semakin lama semakin cepat menuruni landasan dan orang-orang yang duduk di kursi dekat jendela menyadari mereka langsung menuju air di tepi bandara.

Sepertinya pesawat mulai terlihat seakan akan masuk kedalam air, jeritan panik memenuhi kabin. Pada saat itu, pesawat terangkat dengan lancar ke udara.

Para penumpang merasa tenang dan tertawa sedikit malu-malu, dan segera semua sibuk membaca majalah mereka, merasa aman mengetahui kalau pesawat berada di tangan yang tepat.

Di kokpit, salah seorang pilot buta menengok ke temannya dan berkata, "Kamu tahu, Bob, suatu hari, mereka akan terlambat menjerit dan kita semua akan mati."

Taken from Only funny stories
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Special milk for husband (Susu spesial buat sang suami)

Special milk for husband

A wife wanted a new car for her birthday. Therefore, he prepared a glass of milk for her husband that she hoped her husband coming home from work saw it and then give it a new car.

And indeed, when the husband came home from work very late night, the husband saw a glass of milk with the label "For Loving Husband", he was very pleased. On a cold night, he gulped down the warm milk prepared by his wife earlier.

After spending a glass of milk, he found a letter on the side glass of milk, said:
"Honey, if you park the new car in the garage, I'll give the antidote that I mix in the milk that you drink
Signed. Mama "

Susu spesial buat sang suami

Seorang istri sangat menginginkan sebuah mobil baru untuk hadiah ulang tahunnya. Karena itu, ia menyiapkan segelas susu untuk sang suami yang ia harap sepulang dari kerja sang suami melihatnya dan kemudian memberikannya sebuah mobil baru.

Dan benar, saat sang suami pulang kerja begitu larutnya, sang suami pun melihat segelas susu dengan label “Untuk Suamiku Tercinta” , ia sangat senang. Di malam yang dingin, ia pun menegukhabis susu hangat yang disiapkan oleh istrinya tadi.

Setelah menghabiskan susu segelas itu, ia menemukan sepucuk surat di samping gelas susu tadi, tertulis:
“Sayang, jika kamu parkirkan mobil baru di garasi, aku akan berikan penawar racun yang aku campur dalam susu yang kamu minum.
Ttd. Mama”

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The lion's cage (Kandang singa)

The lion's cage

Once in a circus place was shocked by the opening of the  lion's cage.
Ringmaster: "Hey, why did you forget to shut the lion's cage after
the show last night "?

Mick: "It would not be questioned, Sir.
Who wants to steal a lion .... "

Kandang singa

Suatu saat di tempat sirkus dikejutkan dengan terbukanya kandang singa.
Pemimpin sirkus : “Hei, mengapa kamu lupa menutup kandang singa sehabis
pertunjukkan tadi malam”?

Mick : “Sebetulnya nggak perlu terlalu dipermasalahkan Pak.
Siapa jugaaa.. yang mau nyuri singa….”

Taken from Cerita Lucu Indonesia
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The Most Unlucky Day (Hari Paling Sial)

The Most Unlucky Day

A man who was quiet despair at the bar during one half hours
just staring at his drink. A new-truck driver
came directly drained the glass. The man burst into tears.
"Hey, do not cry!" Shouted the driver of the truck. "I'm just kidding.
I will buy you another drink! "
"No, you don't have to, bother. Today was the worst day of my life.
First, I'm late to the office. My boss was furious and I was fired. When going home,
my car was stolen. Then, when i take a taxi taxi, accidentally my wallet and cards
credit left in it. Until the house, my wife slept with builders garden.
I left home and came to this bar. And when i was thinking
to end my life, you showed up and drank my poison. "

Hari Paling Sial

Seorang pria yg sedang putus asa berdiam di bar selama satu setengah jam
cuma memandangi minumannya. Seorang pengemudi truk yg baru
datang langsung meneguk habis isi gelas itu. Si pria langsung menangis.
“Hei, jangan nangis, gitu, dong!” seru si pengemudi truk. “Aku cuma bercanda.
Aku beliin minuman lagi, deh!”
“Bukan, nggak usah. Hari ini merupakan hari terburuk dalam hidupku. Pertama,
aku telat ke kantor. Bosku marah besar dan aku dipecat. Ketika mau pulang,
ternyata mobilku dicuri orang. Trus, pas naek taksi, ternyata dompet dan kartu
kreditku ketinggalan di dalamnya. Sampai rumah, istriku tidur dengan tukang
kebun. Aku meninggalkan rumah dan datang ke bar ini. Dan pas aku berpikir
untuk mengakhiri hidupku, kau muncul dan meminum racunku.”

Taken from Cerita Lucu Indonesia 
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Nasreddin and the Pot (Nasreddin dan Periuk)

Nasreddin and the Pot

One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbor Ali. The next day he brought it back with another little pot inside.
"That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is," said Nasreddin. "While your pot was staying with me, it had a baby."
Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali agreed, hoping that he would once again receive two pots in return.
However, days passed and Nasreddin had still not returned the pot. Finally Ali lost patience and went to demand his property.
"I am sorry," said Nasreddin. "I can't give you back your pot, since it has died." "Died!" screamed Ali, "how can a pot die?"
"Well," said Nasreddin, "you believed me when I told you that your pot had had a baby."

Nasreddin dan Periuk

Suatu hari Nasreddin meminjam periuk dari tetangganya Ali. Keesokan harinya dia kembali dengan membawa periuk kecil di dalamnya.
"Itu bukan milik saya," kata Ali. "Ya, it milik mu," kata Nasreddin. "Waktu periuk mu tinggal dengan saya, dia punya bayi."
Beberapa waktu kemudian Nasreddin meminta Ali untuk meminjamkannya sebuah periuk lagi. Ali setuju, berharap bahwa ia akan sekali lagi menerima dua periuk sebagai imbalan.
Namun, hari berlalu dan Nasreddin masih belum mengembalikan periuknya. Akhirnya Ali hilang kesabaran dan pergi menuntut miliknya.
"Aku minta ma'af," kata Nasreddin. "Saya tidak bisa mengembalikan periuk mu, karena ia telah meninggal." "Meninggal!" Ali berteriak, "bagaimana bisa periuk meninggal?"
"Yah," kata Nasreddin, "kau percaya ketika aku katakan bahwa periuk punya bayi."

Taken from Nasreddin the wise man (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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    In a moment the sun would set in the west. Nasreddin counted his money.
"It's only ten silver coins left" he said to himself. "I have to get the cheapest hotel in town".
    Then he walked through. Every time he met a person, he asked if he knew
the cheapest hotel in town. After considering some hotel, he decided to spend the night
at the hotel in the corner.
    "What can I do for you, Sir?" asked a woman behind the counter.
    "I want the cheapest room here" answered Nasreddin.
    The woman, who was also the hotel owner, said, "You make the wisest decision, Sir.
We have the cheapest room with the best service in town" bragged the woman. "How long
will you stay?" she asked.
    "Just one night" answered Nasreddin.
    "Just one night? All right, one night is okay" said the woman apologetically. "It will cost eight silver coins"
    Nasreddin was relieved. it meant he still could get some breakfast the next morning. So he took
the key and went to his room.
    when he was about to take off his clothes, somebody knocked at the door. He put on his clothes back
and opened the door. "What's wrong?" he asked the hotel owner, the person who knocked at his door.
    "Excuse me, you forget to pay the bill" said the woman.
    "Usually people pay the bill when they check out" said Nasreddin.
    "In other hotels they do, but here they have to pay in advance" urged the hotel owner.
    Then Nasreddin paid his bill.
    The woman smiled and added, "Sir, anytime you need our service, just knock at the counter outside,
the servant will come out and help you willingly".
    It was a very hot night. It was going to rain soon. Nasreddin was very thirsty. Then he walked outside
to the lobby and knocked at the counter. He waited for the servant to help him. But nobody came out.
He knocked at the counter loudly once again. Only silence followed it. He knocked again and again but no person came.
    Nasreddin could not stand his thirst. He felt as if there was fire in his throat. He shouted, "fire, fire! fire, fire!"
    All the sleeping guests woke up to hear his loud cry and ran out in their various nightgowns and pajamas.
And the last person to come was the hotel owner. She came with a kettle in her right hand.
    "Where is the fire?" she anxiously asked.
    "Here!" said Nasreddin, pointing to his mouth.


    Pada saat matahari akan terbenam di barat. Nasreddin menghitung uangnya.
"Uangnya hanya tersisa koin perak" dia berkata pada dirinya sendiri. "Aku harus mendapatkan hotel termurah di kota".
    Lalu ia berjalan. Setiap kali ia bertemu dengan seseorang, dia bertanya apakah dia tahu
hotel termurah di kota. Setelah mempertimbangkan beberapa hotel, ia memutuskan untuk menghabiskan malam
di hotel yang ada di sudut.
    "Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda, Tuan?" tanya seorang wanita di belakang konter.
    "Saya mau kamar yang paling murah di sini" jawab Nasreddin.
    Wanita tersebut, yang juga pemilik hotel, berkata, "Anda membuat keputusan paling bijaksana, Tuan.
Kami memiliki kamar termurah dengan pelayanan terbaik di kota " bual wanita itu " Berapa lama.
Anda akan tinggal?" tanyanya.
    "Hanya satu malam" jawab Nasreddin.
    "Hanya satu malam? Baik, satu malam gak apa-apa" kata perempuan itu dengan sopannya. "Biayanya delapan koin perak"
    Nasreddin merasa lega. itu berarti ia masih bisa mendapatkan sarapan keesokan paginya. Jadi ia mengambil
kunci dan pergi ke kamarnya.
    Ketika ia hendak melepas pakaiannya, seseorang mengetuk pintu. Ia mengenakan pakaian kembali
dan membuka pintu. "Ada apa?" ia bertanya pada pemilik hotel, orang yang mengetuk pintu.
    "Maaf, Anda lupa untuk membayar billnya" kata perempuan itu.
    "Biasanya orang membayar tagihan ketika mereka pulang" kata Nasreddin.
    "Di hotel lain mereka lakukannya, tapi disini mereka harus membayar di muka" desak pemilik hotel.
    Lalu Nasreddin membayar tagihannya.
    Wanita itu tersenyum dan menambahkan, "Tuan, kapan saja Anda membutuhkan jasa kami, ketukan saja konter diluar,
pelayan akan keluar dan membantu Anda dengan sukarela ".
    Malam itu sangat panas. Hari akan segera turun hujan. Nasreddin merasa sangat haus. Lalu ia berjalan keluar
ke lobi dan mengetuk meja. Dia menunggu pelayan untuk membantunya. Tapi tak seorang pun keluar.
Dia mengetuk meja lagi dengan keras sekali. Hanya kesunyian mengikutinya. Dia mengetuk lagi dan lagi, tapi tidak ada orang datang.
    Nasreddin tidak tahan rasa hausnya. Dia merasa seolah-olah ada api di tenggorokannya. Dia berteriak, "api, api! Api, api!"
    Semua tamu yang sedang tertidur terbangun mendengar teriakan kerasnya dan berlari keluar dengan berbagai baju tidur dan piyama.
Dan orang terakhir yang datang adalah pemilik hotel. Dia datang dengan ceret di tangan kanannya.
    "Di mana apinya?" ia bertanya dengancemasnya.
    "Di sini!" kata Nasreddin, sambil menunjuk ke mulutnya.

Taken from Nasreddin a man who never gives up (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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    Nasreddin was well-known for his patience. Children , young people,
and adults liked him very much because of this. But some children
sometimes did not respect him. They even played a trick on him.
    It was a bright morning. As usual, Nasreddin was going to the market
on his donkey's back. There was four children who had been waiting for him.
For several times they had failed to play a trick on him. And now they were sure
that they could succeed. They went into a small river by the road, pressed their bodies
to each other.
    Soon Nasreddin came. The children giggled for a moment and then
pretended to be sad.
    "Hi, boys. What are you doing there?" asked Nasreddin.
    "Thank God! Finally you come, Uncle Nasreddin" said one of them.
    "Why? What are you doing there in the water?" asked Nasreddin again.
    "Uncle Nasreddin, we're in a big troble. Help us, please" said Jemal.
    "Trouble?" asked the man. He stared at the children seriously now, "What trouble?"
    "If you cannot help us, we have to stand here for a long time" Mahmoud moaned.
    Nasreddin looked into the water. He was confused to see nothing strange there.
    "What trouble, boys? Nothing's strange in the water!"
    "Don't you seeit, Uncle Nasreddin?" Jemal said, "Our feet are mixed up. I think those
feet are mine. But Mahmoud said that one of them is his. And Ishmael said that this one is his"
    At that time the boys started pointing to and claiming their feet.
    Nasreddin climbed down his donkey. At the river bank he took a stick and went into the water.
    "Let me help you boys, it's a small trouble" he said.
    Then Nasreddin pressed the long stick on a foot. Of course it hurt the owner, Jemal.
He cried in pain and jumped to the river bank. "Those are Jemal's" said Nasreddin. He did the same thing
to the rest of the feet. "Those are Mahmoud's, those are Ishmael's, and those are yours, Mustapa!"
    The boys laughed. They failed to play a trick on Nasreddin again this time. But Nasreddin was
not angry. He just smiled and said, "I'm very glad I could help you, my boys! Anytime your feet are mixed up again,
call me to help you"
    Then Nasreddin shook the water from his feet, wore his shoes and got onto his donkey's back again.


    Nasreddin sangat terkenal karena kesabarannya. Anak-anak, orang muda,
dan orang dewasa sangat menyukainya karena hal ini. Tapi beberapa anak
kadang-kadang tidak menghormatinya. Mereka bahkan mempermainkan dia.
    Pagi itu cerah. Seperti biasa, Nasreddin pergi ke pasar
di punggung keledai-nya. Ada empat anak yang telah menunggunya.
Untuk beberapa kali mereka gagal untuk bermain trik kepadanya. Dan sekarang mereka yakin
bahwa mereka bisa berhasil. Mereka pergi ke sebuah sungai kecil di pinggir jalan, menekan tubuh mereka
satu sama lain.
    Segera Nasreddin datang. Anak-anak terkikik sebentar dan kemudian
pura-pura sedih.
    "Hai, anak laki-laki Apa yang kamu lakukan di sana?." tanya Nasreddin.
    "Puji Tuhan! Akhirnya kau datang, Paman Nasreddin" kata salah satu dari mereka.
    "Kenapa Apa yang kamu lakukan di sana di air??" Nasreddin bertanya lagi.
    "Paman Nasreddin, kita berada dalam masalah besar. Bantu kami, silakan" kata Jemal.
    "Masalah? " tanya orang itu. Dia memandang anak-anak tersebut dengan serius sekarang," Masalah apa? "
    "Jika paman tidak bisa membantu kami, kami harus berdiri disini untuk waktu yang lama" keluh Mahmoud.
    Nasreddin melihat ke dalam air. Dia bingung melihat tidak ada sesuatu yang aneh di sana.
    "Masalah apa, anak-anak? Tidak ada yang aneh di dalam air!"
    "Tidakahh paman melihatnya, Paman Nasreddin?" Jemal berkata, "kaki kami menyatu. Saya rasa itu
kaki saya. Tapi Mahmoud mengatakan bahwa salah satunya adalah miliknya. Dan Ismael mengatakan bahwa yang satu ini adalah miliknya "
    Pada saat itu anak-anak tersebut mulai saling menunjuk dan mengaku kaki mereka.
Nasreddin turun dari keledainya. Di tepi sungai ia mengambil sebatang tongkat dan masuk ke dalam air.
    "Biar saya bantu kalian, ini sih masalah kecil" katanya.
    Lalu Nasreddin menekan tongkat panjang tersebut pada salahsatu kaki. Tentu saja hal tersebut membuat sakit pemiliknya, Jemal.
Dia berteriak dalam kesakitan dan melompat ke tepi sungai. "Itu punya Jemal" kata Nasreddin. Dia melakukan hal yang sama
ke kaki berikutnya. "Itu punya Mahmoud, itu punya Ismael, dan itu milikmu, Mustapa!"
    Anak-anak tersebut tertawa. Mereka gagal untuk mengerjai Nasreddin lagi kali ini. Tapi Nasreddin tidak marah.
Dia hanya tersenyum dan berkata, "Saya sangat senang bisa membantu kalian, anak-anakku! Kapanpun kaki kalian menyatu lagi,
panggil saya untuk membantu kalian "
    Lalu Nasreddin menyibakkan air dari kakinya, mengenakan sepatu dan naik lagi ke punggung keledainya kembali.

Taken from Nasreddin a man who never gives up (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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The difference between a donkey and a wife (Perbedaan antara seekor keledai dan seorang istri)

The difference between a donkey and a wife

Early in the morning Nasreddin went to the backyard to take his donkey.
He wanted to go to the market as early as possible so that he could sell a lot of wheat.
To his surprise, the donkey was not in the stall. He ran to his nearest neighbors to ask
if they saw his donkey. But none had seen it.
Soon the people in the neighborhood heard the news. They helped Nasreddin look for
the lost donkey. They searched the entire garden and the nearest woods and hills.
But they could not find it. There was only one hill left to search. They all went to the hill.
A man who walked beside Nasreddin asked him, "Nasreddin, all of our neighbors
have failed to find your donkey. But why do you look relaxed. Don't you worry at all?"
"You should realize that you may not find your only donkey"
Nasreddin answered calmly, "Do you see the hill we are going to? Nobody had gone there
to look for my donkey. We'll go there and find it. If there is no donkey there, then I'll worry"
They arrived at the hill. The whole group searched for the lost donkey here and there but
they could not find it.
Nasreddin sat down under a tree alone. He looked far away, thinking something. The man who
had talked to him before came and sat beside him.
"Well, Nasreddin. I know you lose your only donkey. Life may be difficult without it. But,
don't be too sad, brother" the man tried to cheer him up.
"Do I look sad?"
"Yes, you look very sad. You looked much sadder than you did when your wife died"
Nasreddin looked at his friend. "If only you remembered the day when my wife died,
you would know the answer"
"I do, I remember that we, your friends, helped you and accompanied you just like we do now"
"No, it's much different. At that time you all tried to cheer me up by saying. 'Don't be too sad,
my brother Nasreddin. We'll get you a new wife' But now you see, nobody offers me any donkey to replace my lost one"

Perbedaan antara seekor keledai dan seorang istri

Pagi-pagi Nasreddin pergi ke halaman belakang untuk mengambil keledainya.
Dia ingin pergi ke pasar sedini mungkin sehingga dia bisa menjual banyak gandum.
Yang mengejutkan, keledai itu tidak ada di kandang. Dia berlari ke tetangga terdekatnya untuk menanyakan
apakah mereka melihat keledainya. Tapi tidak ada yang melihatnya.
Segera orang-orang di sekitarnya mendengar kabar itu. Mereka membantu Nasreddin untuk mencari keledai yang hilang.
Mereka mencari ke seluruh kebun dan hutan dan bukit terdekat.
Tapi mereka tidak bisa menemukannya. Hanya ada satu bukit lagi yang tersisa untuk pencarian.
Mereka semua pergi ke bukit tersebut.
Seorang pria yang berjalan di samping Nasreddin bertanya kepadanya, "Nasreddin, semua tetangga kita
gagal menemukan keledai kamu. Tetapi mengapa kamu tampak santai. Tidak khawatir sama sekali? "
"Kamu harus sadar bahwa kamu tidak bisa menemukan keledai satu-satunya milik mu "
Nasreddin menjawab dengan tenang, "Apakah kamu melihat bukit yang sedang kita tuju? Belum ada yang pergi kesana
untuk mencari keledai saya. Kita akan pergi kesana dan menemukannya. Jika tidak ada keledai disana, maka saya akan khawatir "
Mereka tiba di bukit tersebut. Seluruh kelompok mencari keledai yang hilang di sana-sini tapi
mereka tidak bisa menemukannya.
Nasreddin duduk di bawah sebuah pohon sendirian. Dia tampak jauh, memikirkan sesuatu. Pria tadi yang
berbicara dengannya datang dan duduk di sampingnya.
"Yah, Nasreddin. Aku tahu kau baru saja kehilangan keledai mu. Hidup mungkin sulit tanpa itu. Tapi,
jangan terlalu bersedih, Sobat" laki-laki tadi mencoba untuk menghiburnya.
"Apakah aku kelihatan sedih?"
"Ya, kau tampak sangat sedih. Kamu tampak jauh lebih sedih daripada yang kamu alami ketika istri mu meninggal"
Nasreddin menatap temannya. "Kalau saja kamu ingat hari ketika istri saya meninggal, kamu akan tahu jawabannya "
"Saya tahu, saya ingat bahwa kita, teman-teman mu, membantu mu dan menemani mu sama seperti yang kami lakukan sekarang"
"Tidak, ini sangat jauh berbeda. Pada waktu itu kalian semua mencoba menghiburku dengan mengatakan 'Jangan terlalu bersedih,
Nasreddin sodaraku. Kami akan mencarikan mu seorang istri baru' Tetapi sekarang kamu lihat, tidak ada seorangpun yang menawarkan saya
keledai untuk menggantikan keledai ku yang hilang"

Taken from Nasreddin a man who never gives up (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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The Digging Fools (Si Bodoh Yang Sedang Menggali)


Fatty and Skinny decided to dig a well. They felt confident that they should do this simple thing
even though they were fools, and so they started to dig. They worked all day and they found water.
However, the next morning they realized they had a problem.
"What are we going to do with all this dirt?" asked Fatty
After some thought, Skinny said, " We just have to dig another hole to put it in".
And so they went back to work, digging a second hole to hide the dirt from the first.
When they finished, they filled the hole up with the previous day's dirt.
They were quite pleased with themselves until Fatty asked, "What about this new pile of dirt?"
Again Skinny thought for a while, then said, "Well, we'll just to dig another hole, but this time,
it must be twice as big".
The fools went back to work digging an even larger for extra dirt. Of course, when they had finished
they put the dirt from the second hole into the third and it was half full. unfortunately,
they couldn't fit all the left-over dirt into the third hole. They found that the first hole was just the right size for the rest of the dirt
and in the end they were very happy with their work


Si Gendut dan Si kurus memutuskan untuk menggali sebuah sumur. Mereka merasa yakin bahwa mereka bisa melakukan hal sederhana
walaupun mereka bodoh, dan sehingga mereka mulai menggali. Mereka bekerja sepanjang hari dan mereka menemukan air.
Namun, keesokan harinya mereka menyadari bahwa mereka punya masalah.
"Apa yang akan kita lakukan dengan semua kotoran ini?" tanya Si Gendut
Setelah berpikir beberapa, Si kurus berkata, "Kita hanya harus menggali lubang lain untuk memasukkannya".
Maka mereka kembali bekerja, menggali lubang kedua untuk menyembunyikan tanah dari lubang yang pertama.
Ketika mereka selesai, mereka mengisi lubang dengan tanah dari hari sebelumnya.
Mereka sangat senang dengan diri mereka sendiri sampai Si Gendut bertanya, "Bagaimana dengan gundukan tanah baru ini?"
Lagi Si kurus berpikir sejenak, kemudian mengatakan, "Yah, kita hanya perlu menggali lubang yang lain, tapi kali ini,
harus dua kali besarnya".
Si Bodoh tersebut kembali bekerja menggali sebuah lubang bahkan lebih besar untuk tanah yang lebih. Tentu saja, ketika mereka selesai
mereka menaruh tanah dari lubang kedua ke lubang ketiga dan sudah setengah penuh. Sayangnya,
mereka tidak bisa memasukkan semua tanah sisa ke dalam lubang ketiga. Mereka menemukan bahwa lubang pertama ukuran yang tepat untuk sisa tanah
dan pada akhirnya mereka sangat senang dengan pekerjaan mereka

Taken from English is fun second edition (David L. Larcom) Visipro
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Fatty came to visit Skinny and found him searching through his living room for something.
"What are you looking for, Skinny?" Fatty asked.
"Well, I bought a gold ring for my wife, but it fell out of my hand as I was showing it to John",
answered Skinny. "My wife is out visiting friends. I must find it before she gets home because
it's our anniversary. If I don't find it, she will think I've forgotten and become angry with me.
Could you please help me find it?"
"Of course, tell me, where were you when you lost it?"
"I was in the front yard" Skinny said
"If you were in the front yard when you lost it, why are you looking in here?"
"I was looking for it out there, but then it grew dark, so I came inside to look. The lighting is much better in here!"


Si Gendut datang untuk mengunjungi Si Kurus dan dia mendapatinya sedang mencari sesuatu di ruang tamunya.
"Apa yang kamu cari, Rus?" tanya Si Gendut.
"Eee.., saya membeli sebuah cincin emas untuk istri saya, tapi jatuh dari tanganku saat aku menunjukkannya kepada John",
Si Kurus menjawab. "Istri saya keluar mengunjungi teman-temannya. Aku harus menemukannya sebelum dia pulang ke rumah
karena ini ulang tahun kami. Jika saya tidak menemukannya, dia akan berpikir saya sudah lupa dan marah pada ku.
Bisakah kamu bantu saya menemukannya? "
"Tentu saja, katakan, di mana kamu ketika kamu kehilangan cincinnya?"
"Saya berada di halaman depan" kata Si Kurus
"Jika kamu berada di halaman depan ketika kamu kehilangan itu, mengapa kamu cari di sini?"
"Saya mencarinya di luar sana, tapi kemudian hari mulai gelap, jadi saya masuk untuk mencari pencahayaan disini jauh lebih baik!."

Taken from English is fun second edition (David L. Larcom) Visipro
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The sun was shining brightly. Nasreddin and his friend were going to the market.
They walked through the street along which there were no trees at all. They felt hot and thirsty.
They wanted to buy a glass of milk but they did not have enough money.
Then they collected their money and bought a glass of milk with it. Before buying the milk,
they promised to share the milk.
"Now, let's share the drink. You'll drink half a glass and I will drink the rest" said Nasreddin
His friend said, "you drink first, Nasreddin"
"Why!" Nasreddin asked.
"I bring a little sugar with me. This is enough for half a glass of milk only, I'll put the sugar
into my share only" said his friend.
"Put into the milk, now. I'll drink half a glass" said Nasreddin.
"No, this sugar is enough for half a glass only"
Then Nasreddin ran to the small shop nearby and bought a pack of salt that was very cheap.
Then he went back to his friend.
"There's good news for you" he said, "As we have agreed I'll drink my share first.
Since I have a pack of salt, I'll put it into the milk. I'll drink first and then you. You can put your sugar
after I drink my milk with my salt"


Matahari bersinar terang. Nasreddin dan temannya sedang pergi ke pasar.
Mereka berjalan melalui jalan yang sepanjang jalan tidak ada pohon sama sekali. Mereka merasa panas
dan haus. Mereka ingin membeli segelas susu tetapi mereka tidak punya cukup uang.
Kemudian mereka mengumpulkan uang mereka dan membeli segelas susu dengannya. Sebelum membeli susu,
mereka berjanji untuk berbagi susu tersebut.
"Sekarang, mari kita berbagi minuman. Kamu akan minum setengah gelas dan aku akan minum sisanya" kata Nasreddin
Temannya berkata, "Anda minum dulu, Nasreddin"
"Mengapa!" Nasreddin bertanya.
"Aku membawa sedikit gula. Ini cukup untuk setengah segelas susu saja, saya akan memasukkan gula
untuk bagian saya saja " kata temannya.
"Masukkan ke dalam susu, sekarang. Aku akan minum setengah gelas" kata Nasreddin.
"Tidak, gula ini cukup untuk setengah gelas saja"
Lalu Nasreddin berlari ke toko kecil di dekatnya dan membeli sebungkus garam yang sangat murah.
Kemudian ia kembali ke temannya.
"Ada kabar baik bagi mu" katanya, "Seperti yang kita telah sepakati saya akan minum bagianku pertama.
Karena saya memiliki sepak garam, Aku akan memasukkannya ke dalam susu. Aku akan minum pertama dan kemudian kamu. Kamu dapat menaruh gula
setelah saya minum susu saya dengan garam saya "

Taken from Nasreddin The clever man (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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Nasreddin was very patient and could get along with both children and adults.
One of the children was very naughty. He did not respect adults and often teased other children.
One day he went to the coffee shop where Nasreddin and his adult friends usually gathered and chatted together.
He came to see Nasreddin and asked for some money. Nasreddin gave him little money. He did not thank him,
but slapped Nasreddin's head so hard that his turban fell down to the ground. Then the boy ran away,
but Nasreddin was not angry with him. He said nothing and took his turban and put it back on his head.
"What a naughty boy!" whispered one of his friends.
The next day the boy came to see Nasreddin again. But Nasreddin had no money at that time.
The boy got angry and slapped Nasreddin's head again and his turban rolled down to the floor.
The boy ran away. Nasreddin calmly took his turban and put it back on his head. The next day
the boy came again to the coffee shop and did the same thing he had done the day before.
"Nasreddin, the boy was too naughty. Why don't you catch and punish him?" asked one of his friends.
"That's not a good way. Besides, the time has not come yet" he answered.
"What do you mean?" asked another friend.
"Just wait and see, God will punish him Himself" answered Nasreddin.
The next morning Nasreddin 's friend, who was now a big and strong soldier, visit him.
Nasreddin invited him to go to the coffee shop together to have a cup of coffee. Nasreddin told his friend
to sit on the chair he usually sat.
A moment later, the naughty boy came and slapped the soldier's head from behind. The soldier was startled
and angry with the boy. He got up quickly and ran after the boy. He was able to catch the boy easily.
The people inside the coffee shop could see how the soldier slapped the boy many times.
Nasreddin said to his friend, "That's what I said to you yesterday. Just wait and see. God will do justice Himself to the boy".


Nasreddin sangat sabar dan dapat bergaul dengan anak-anak dan orang dewasa.
Salah satu anak sangat nakal. Dia tidak menghormati orang dewasa dan sering menggoda anak-anak lain.
Suatu hari ia pergi ke warung kopi di mana Nasreddin dan teman dewasa yang biasanya berkumpul dan mengobrol bersama-sama.
Dia datang untuk menemui Nasreddin dan meminta uang. Nasreddin memberinya sedikit uang. Dia tidak mengucapkan terima kasih,
tapi menampar kepala Nasreddin dengan sangat keras sampai sorbannya jatuh ke tanah. Lalu anak itu lari,
tapi Nasreddin tidak marah padanya. Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa dan mengambil sorbannya dan meletakkannya
 kembali di atas kepalanya.
"Alangkah nakal anak itu!" bisik salah satu temannya.
Keesokan harinya anak itu datang untuk menemui Nasreddin lagi. Tapi Nasreddin tidak punya uang pada waktu itu.
Anak itu marah dan menampar lagi kepala Nasreddin dan turbannya berguling ke lantai.
Anak itu lari. Nasreddin dengan tenang mengambil sorbannya dan meletakkannya kembali di kepalanya. Hari berikutnya
anak itu datang lagi ke warung kopi dan melakukan hal yang sama dia lakukan sehari sebelumnya.
"Nasreddin, anak itu terlalu nakal. Mengapa kamu tidak menangkap dan menghukum dia?." tanya salah satu temannya.
"Itu bukan cara yang baik. Selain itu, waktunya belum datang" jawabnya..
"Apa maksudmu?" tanya temannya yang lain.
"Tunggu dan lihat, Tuhan sendiri yang akan menghukum dia" jawab Nasreddin.
Keesokan paginya teman Nasreddin, yang sekarang menjadi tentara yang besar dan kuat, mengunjunginya.
Nasreddin mengundangnya untuk pergi ke warung kopi bersama untuk minum kopi. Nasreddin berkata kepada temannya
untuk duduk di kursi yang biasanya dia tempati.
Sesaat kemudian, anak nakal itu pun datang dan menampar kepala prajurit tersebut dari belakang. Tentara itu terkejut
dan marah pada anak itu. Dia dengan cepat bangkit dan berlari mengejar anak itu. Dia berhasil menangkap anak itu dengan mudah.
Orang-orang di dalam kedai kopi bisa melihat bagaimana prajurit tersebut menampar anak tadi berkali-kali.
Nasreddin berkata kepada temannya, "Itu yang saya katakan kemarin. Hanya tunggu dan lihat. Tuhan sendiri yang akan melakukan
keadilan kepada anak tadi".

Taken from Nasreddin a man who never gives up (Sugeng Hariyanto) Kanisius
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The Fools and the well (Si Bodoh dan Sumur)

The fools and the well

Two fools, fatty and skinny, were looking down into a well
for whatever reason fools do what they do, when a coin fell out of fatty's pocket.
The coin fell several meters before plopping into the water below.
They could see the coin shining under the murky water.
"I really need my money back" said fatty "but I'm too afraid to go into the well"
"Ha, ha, ha" laughed Skinny, "You're a coward"
"OK, then you go into the well and get my coin, if you're brave!"
"Alright, I will. I'm not as easily frightened as you" replied Skinny.
And so, the brave fool reached into his pocket and grabbed some of his own coins
and threw them into the well. He continued this until all of his money had fallen into the water far bellow.
'Why did you do that?" asked Fatty.
"I'm brave, but I'm not stupid. I'm not going into the well to get just one coin"

Si bodoh dan sumur

Dua orang bodoh, si gendut dan si kurus, sedang melihat ke dalam sumur
entah apa yang mereka lakukan, ketika koin jatuh dari saku si gendut.
koin jatuh beberapa meter sebelum terjebur ke dalam air di bawah.
Mereka bisa melihat koin bersinar di bawah air keruh.
"Aku benar-benar butuh uang saya kembali" kata si gendut "tapi aku terlalu takut untuk masuk ke dalam sumur"
"Ha, ha, ha" si kurus tertawa, "Kau pengecut"
"OK, kalau begitu kamu masuk ke dalam sumur dan ambil koin saya, jika kamu berani!"
"Baiklah, aku akan masuk. Aku tidak mudah takut seperti mu" jawab si kurus.
Jadi, si bodoh yang berani itu merogoh ke dalam sakunya dan mengambil beberapa koinnya sendiri
dan melemparkannya ke dalam sumur. Dia melanjutkan sampai semua uangnya jatuh ke dalam air jauh di bawah sana.
"Kenapa kau lakukan itu?" tanya si gendut.
"Aku berani, tapi aku tidak bodoh. Aku tidak akan ke dalam sumur untuk mendapatkan hanya satu koin"

Taken from English is fun second edition ( David L. Larcom) Visipro
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