03 September 2011

Noun (Part 2)

Hello we come again with "Noun" as our discussion. Previously we have learned Noun (Part 1) and now we will give you explanation "Noun Part 2". For further explanation let's check the following one.

As we explained previously Noun consists of two forms:
1. Concrete Noun
2. Abstract Noun

A. Concrete Noun 
Concrete Noun consists of Proper Noun, Common Noun, Material Noun, and Collective Noun.

1. Proper Noun (Kata Benda Nama Diri) 
Noun which is preceded by capital letter such as names of person, city, country, school, factory, and names of places.
Example: Mulyono; Cirebon; Indonesia; University of Indonesia, etc

2. Common Noun (Kata Benda Umum)
Example: Book; Teacher; Plane; Mountain, etc

3. Material Noun (Kata Benda Bahan Baku)
Example: Gold, Paint,Silver, Oil, etc

4. Collective Noun (Kata Benda Kolektif)
Noun which has plural meaning
Example: Family, Crew, Team, Division; Parliament; Committee; Class; Fleet, etc

B. Abstract Noun
We can form abstract noun from Verbs, Adjectives, and other words

1. The way to change Verbs become Abstract Noun:
a. Add "ment" to the Verbs:
Advertise: Mengiklankan  Advertisement: Iklan
Agree: Menyetujui  Agreement: Persetujuan
Entertain: Menghibur  Entertainment: Hiburan

b. Add "ion" to the Verbs:
Connect: Menghubungkan  Connection: Hubungan
Collect: Mengumpulkan  Collection: Kumpulan/Koleksi
Act: Berbuat  Action: Perbuatan/Aksi
c. Add "ation", "cation", "ition" to the Verbs:
Admire: mengagumi  Admiration: Kekaguman
Qualify: Memenuhi syarat  Qualification: Pemenuhan syarat
Compete: Bersaing  Competition: Persaingan

d. Add "ance" or "ence" to the Verbs:
Enter: Memasuki  Entrance: Jalan Masuk
Appear: Menampakkan Diri  Appearance: Penampakan Diri/Rupa
Differ: Membedakan  Difference: Perbedaan

e. Add "t" to the Verbs:
Complain: Mengeluh  Complaint: Keluhan
Contain: Berisi  Content: Isi

f. Add "y" to the Verbs:
Discover: Menemukan  Discovery: Penemuan
Deliver: Mengirimkan  Delivery: Pengiriman

2. The way to change Adjectives become Abstract Noun:
Add "ness" to the Adjectives
Good: Baik  Goodness: Kebaikan
Happy: Bahagia  Happiness: Kebahagiaan
Sad: Sedih  Sadness: Kesedihan
Polite: Sopan  Politeness: Kesopanan

and some Abstract Nouns from Adjectives:
Patient: Sabar  Patience: Kesabaran
Hot: Panas  Heat: Panasnya
Poor: Miskin  Poverty: Kemiskinan
Wise: Bijak  Wisdom: Kebijaksanaan

3. Abstract Nouns from Common Nouns:
Agent: Agen  Agency: Keagenan
Child: Anak  Childhood: Masa Kanak-kanak
Friend: Sahabat  Friendship: Persahabatan

That's for now, we continue the lesson about Noun later. Hopefully it will be useful although just a little. Thank you

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