30 September 2011

Chip and Dale

Chip and Dale

One day, when the sun shone brightly, Chip and Dale found a piece of wood. They got an idea of making a see-saw with it.

All afternoon, Chip and Dale played see-saw cheerfully. But when they came home they found that some of their nuts were gone. They were very angry.

“Let’s pretend to go out to play tomorrow,” suggested Chip, “but always watch our nuts.”

The next day, when they were playing see-saw, they saw a squirrel walking towards their house. “Hmmm…give me a nut,” whispered Dale.

Chip gave a nut to Dale. Then he put the nut on one end of the see-saw. When the squirrel went to steal some nuts, Chip and Dale jumped together on the other end of the see-saw. The nut flew through the air and dropped down right between the ears of the squirrel who ran with scare.

Chip dan Dale

Suatu hari, ketika matahari bersinar cerah, Chip dan Dale menemukan sepotong kayu. Mereka mendapat ide membuat papan jongkat-jungkit dengan itu.

Sepanjang siang, Chip dan Dale bermain papan jongkat-jungkit dengan riang. Tetapi ketika mereka pulang mereka menemukan bahwa beberapa kacang mereka hilang. Mereka sangat marah.

"Mari kita berpura-pura pergi keluar untuk bermain besok," usul Chip, "tetapi selalu mengawasi kacang-kacang kita."

Keesokan harinya, ketika mereka sedang bermain jongkat-jungkit, mereka melihat seekor tupai berjalan menuju rumah mereka. "Hmmm…beri saya sebuah kacang," bisik Dale.

Chip memberi kacang ke Dale. Kemudian ia meletakkan kacang tersebut di salah satu ujung papan jongkat-jungkit. Ketika tupai pergi untuk mencuri beberapa kacang, Chip dan Dale melompat bersama-sama di ujung lain dari papan jongkat-jungkit itu. Kacang tersebut terbang di udara dan jatuh tepat antara telinga tupai yang berlari dengan ketakutan.

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