11 September 2011

Crazy man, Corn, and Chicken (Orang gila, Jagung, dan Ayam)

Crazy man, Corn, and Chicken

Once there was a madman who thought himself corn so he was very scared of chicken. Because so scared eaten by chicken, each time he saw chicken, he would have ran.

Finally, this madman inserted into a mental hospital. One year, two years .. three years ... he finally called by the doctor.

"Have you already known who you are?" asked the doctor.
"Yes, i have doctor," said the madman.

"So who are you?"
"I'm a man, doctor."

"Are you sure?"
"Yes doctor, I am people ... not the corn."

"So you're not afraid anymore of a chicken, right?"
"I am not, doctors .. not afraid anymore .. "

The doctor nodded his head ... thought the madman already healthy
"But doctor," said the madman,
"I have one question ..."
"What's that?"

"The chicken ... .. Have they already known if I've changed?" asked crazy man with a worried face.

Orang gila, Jagung, dan Ayam

Alkisah ada orang gila yang mengira dirinya tuh jagung jadi dia takutttt banget sama ayam. Karena takut banget di makan, tiap kali liat ayam, dia pasti lari terbirit-birit.

Akhirnya, orang gila ini dimasukin ke rumah sakit jiwa. Satu tahun, dua tahun.. tiga tahun… akhirnya dia dipanggil oleh sang dokter.

“Kamu sudah tahu sekarang kamu ini siapa?” kata si dokter.
“Sudah dokter,” sahut si orang gila.

“Jadi kamu ini siapa?”
“Saya orang, dokter.”

“Iya dokter, saya orang… bukan jagung.”

“Jadi kamu gak takut lagi sama ayam kan?”
“Enggak dokter.. gak takut lagi..”

Sang dokter pun manggut-manggut… mengira si orang gila udah waras.
“Tapi dokter,” sela si orang gila,
“Saya ada satu pertanyaan…”
“Apa itu?”

“Ayam-ayam itu….. tahu gak ya kalau saya sudah berubah jadi orang?” tanya si orang gila dengan muka khawatir. 

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